Inclusive Government key men Mugabe and Tsvangirai. Are they in agreement about the increase in Zanu PF Cabinet quota in the diabolical Inclusive Government
The announcement of 39 potential Ministers by Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda flies in the face of the Global Political Agreement and is ultra vires Constitutional Amendment no 19 regardless of whatever....
rational explanation will be given by the inclusive Government’s President, Prime Minister and or anyone else for that matter.
Is it any wonder the international political blocs take a cautious approach on any political matters concerning Zimbabwe in which Robert Gabriel Mugabe has a say?
For starters the Inclusive Government is an obnoxious deviation from the constitutional norms of our democratic governance which if it was not underwritten by murderous violence none of us would subscribe to.
Secondly Zimbabwe is not a private possession of any individual or organised group of individuals with exclusive rights to determine our fate.
While it is a fact that we have hitherto displayed cowardly subservience to the political leadership there is a limit to our national tolerance and provocation of the nature displayed by the announcement will at some stage embolden our resolve to dispense with a leadership that takes us for granted by any means necessary to achieve that.
Politics has never been a science underpinned by honesty and goodwill but when leaders practice open spite of the flock there will rise in the flock a deviant who will lead a revolt with consequences too ghastly to contemplate for those playing God with our lives and the lives of our children.
We maybe cowards but we are certainly not stupid to the extent that a discredited leadership of a disintegrated political outfit will continue to impose his dominance over us using open lies.
The Inclusive Government was agreed upon on 15 September 2008 but politicians with nothing other than violence to offer have delayed resolution of the political impasse that is causing us to die in great numbers from hunger and diseases that are possible of prevention with a people chosen Government in place.
Our children are learning nothing other than street racketeering which will impact negatively in their adulthood.
We have a God given right to protect our children from monsters who want to condemn them to a life of vagrants and perpetual beggars.
The 15 September 2008 that supplanted our March votes and freewill on who should lead the governance of the country specifically stated that the leader will have a 31 member cabinet to help him govern.
While that number imposes a heavy taxation burden on us at a time we are unable to secure guaranteed income generating projects, we nevertheless had accepted that in the knowledge that taxation may be a lesser hardship than death from starvation and preventable diseases or political violence.
Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF we have toiled to support and provide the most luxurious lifestyles in the world for nearly 4 decades are ungrateful that we have appreciated their sacrifices to liberate us even though we were the human shield they used to achieve that and repaid us with poverty and violence.
First his moribund foot soldier Patrick Chinamasa attempted to change fundamentals of the agreement upon which the Inclusive Government is premised and when he was caught out no action was taken to reprimand him.
We had not forgiven him for singlehandedly setting aside a Parliamentary statute governing electoral procedures by promulgating a Statutory instrument that resulted in a bogus Presidential runoff election 69 days outside the prescribed 21 day period in our Electoral laws.
To add salt to injury he then emerged as the spokesman of a Junta regime that murdered no less than 300 of our brother, sisters, parents, relatives and friends in a diabolic election campaign to force us to support Mugabe for presidency of our Nation.
We refused to be intimidated and recognise his “election” and had almost forgiven him for the crimes he committed but Chinamasa’s insincerity and fraudulent conduct in negotiations to legitimise his revered principal continues to stroke fires of outrage directed at Mugabe and Zanu PF.
It bothers him little that nobody chose him to lead our country other than Mugabe and all he does is thump his nose at the generality of the country’s populace.
After the GPA fraudulent debacle he is at it again altering the National Security Council Bill to become a Zanu PF Security Council Bill.
It is time Parliament Speaker Lovemore Moyo shows his teeth and bring this moron to book unless the crime of fraud does not exist in political parlance.
Attempting to mislead Parliament through written misrepresentation is fraudulent conduct and contempt of Parliament that must never be condoned by elected representatives of the electorate.
But it is the nomination of 21 Ministers instead of the stipulated 15 by Zanu PF after initially forcing upward revision of the Cabinet quota from 31 to 33 by irresponsibly demanding co-ministering of the Home Affairs portfolio that is most repugnant.
There is absolutely no need to increase Cabinet posts by a further six portfolios all of which are then allotted to Zanu PF failures of the past four decades.
If Sadc as underwriters of the GPA have any part to play in endorsing this fraudulent development, it is time we all reject the entire Inclusive Government concept and demand a Presidential election in the next three months with or without the violence it matters not.
We can’t expect improvement in our governance if we are so weak as to allow one person to dctate our fate.
Unless the extra Cabinet positions are nullified we must reject the Inclusive Government with the contempt it deserves.
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