Zimbabwe Image about me; by George Charamba aka Nathaniel Manheru
“I support ZANU PF and the leadership of CDE Robert Mugabe.”
“I support the taking back of our land from the settler invader. I support the struggle of any oppressed, discriminated, colonized, subjugated people against their colonisers, invaders, discriminators, and oppressors.”
“No race or people-type is better than the other, and along that same line no race or people-type deserve to be colonised, oppressed, discriminated, or subjugated.”
“I have no tolerance for Tsvangirai, who i am convinced is a low IQ, semi-literate, unkempt thug, with a gross inferiority complex when dealing with whites and an exaggerated slave mentality that makes him dance to tunes played in Number 10 Downing Street and the White House.”
“A stupid uncle tom who cant tell his right from his left but has been elevated by his european masters for being willing to play 'horse and rider' games in which Zimbabwe is the horse.”
Need we say more about the professionalism that underpins some of the people Premier Morgan Tsvangirai has evaluated to be suitable for positions of Permanent Secretaries in the coalition government?
No wonder there are so many teething problems facing the government today.
There are some square pegs in cornerstone holes upon which the government must rely to function smoothly.
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