Zanu PF chumps came into the open over the past week exposing the strain on the party of geriatrics from its untenable position in the coalition government.
Led by Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa whose idiocy requires a full book to document the irrational gang within the party of geriatrics are kicking in any direction hoping they will find the mark and free Zanu PF from obligations in the GPA.
When it became apparent at the Maputo Sadc Troika meeting that the party’s procrastinations over implementing the provisions of Constitution Amendment No 19 or the GPA as many would like to retrogressively refer to it, were no longer possible to sustain, the party’s deadwood has resorted to some comical exercises to gain attention and divert public thinking into trivia.
The party line that there were no more outstanding issues from the GPA was quickly revised.
There was admission at the Party’s Politburo and Congress that there were unimplemented CA No 19 provisions that the party was unwilling to fulfill until the MDC-T fulfills “its obligations” under CA No 19.
For the first time the nation was told that it was the sole responsibility and obligation of the MDC-T in the coalition government to ensure that;
Sanctions imposed against Zanu PF counterparts in government and Zanu PF leadership by the EU and the USA together with their allies were unconditionally lifted
Exiled Radio Stations the party of geriatrics prefers to call Pirate radio stations were disbanded and barred from broadcasting into the to the country and
Parallel government structures set up in the Premier’s office were dismantled.
Only then would the party of geriatrics be in a position to implement all the other provisions of the GPA it was unwilling to at that stage.
The issues gleaned from the GPA or more appropriately CA No 19 that remained unimplemented included;
The swearing in of MDC-T’s nominee for Deputy Minister of Agriculture
The appointment of Human Rights, Electoral, Media and Anticorruption Commissioners
The proportionate sharing of provincial governorships among coalition parties
The land audit
The Constitutional reform process
Agreement on appointments of the Attorney General and Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor
National Healing and reconciliation processes
The proportionate sharing of Ambassadorial postings among coalition parties
Programmed meeting of the National Security Council
Retraining of security enforcement agencies
Respect for national institutions and events process
National youth training programme reviews and reforms
Legislative agenda implementation
Security of persons and prevention of violence initiatives
Filling in of Electoral Vacancies
Periodic reviews of coalition government implementation of agreements
For Zanu PF all these would only be addressed when and after MDC-T had delivered on the three issues it held dear in the agreement notwithstanding that there is nowhere in the GPA, Sadc resolutions or CA No 19 where their delivery was apportioned to that party.
Resolutions were passed by the Zanu PF Politburo and Congress barring its leadership from entering into any further dialogue with the MDC-T and MDC-M that would result in the party of geriatrics conceding ground on the outstanding issues unless and until the MDC-T in particular had lifted the sanctions imposed on Zanu PF leadership
The resolutions were to no avail as the SADC Troika meeting in Maputo had already decreed that the coalition parties were inextricably bound to honour agreements they had Constitutionalised through the passage of CA No 19 and they obliged by resuming dialogue that had been suspended when MDC-T announced a partial pull out of the Coalition agreement citing the slow pace in implementation of the agreement.
Meetings of the National Security Council that had been shelved were revived.
MDC nominated and government trained Ambassadors were posted to their agreed stations.
Constitutional review processes that had stalled started to roll again albeit with numerous obstacles being thrown in the way by Zanu PF.
Sensing danger that the resolutions were not holding the Party organised a youth League demonstration against the Premier wherein the party youths threatened unspecified action against the premier if he did not address the lifting of sanctions forthwith.

Kudakwashe Bhasikiti MP(Zanu PF) Mwenezi East East
In parliament Mwenezi East MP Kudakwashe Bhasikiti became the first Zanu PF chump to let frustration in the party out into the public domain when he introduced a motion urging the Premier to lead the lifting of sanctions crusade.There was commotion in Parliament when MDC-T MP’s raucously objected to the motion and later retaliated by reviving a motion calling upon the President to cause the arrest and bringing to justice all perpetrators of electoral violence prior to the June 2008 sham Presidential runoff election.
The next chump was the Minister of Mines Obert Mpofu who tried everything possible to avoid appearing before the Parliamentary Mines portfolio committee to answer questions about the Marange diamonds mining anomalies only to capitulate after being threatened with contempt of Parliament charges.
When he eventually appeared he admitted having short circuited appointment of the boards of companies licensed to mine the germs at Marange and confirmed that members of the boards were reputed crooks.
That was embarrassing for Zanu PF even though the party is known to have lost all credibility and not to care about that.
Still Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri was tasked to damage control by refusing the portfolio committee access to the diamond fields on the frivolous argument that the gems were easy pickings for anyone who accessed the fields.
All he managed to do was to delay the inevitable because Parliament has separate and far reaching powers that hitherto it has not unleashed to show those that have become used to despising it their rightful places.
Parliament makes all the laws that all the arms of the government including the Chiefs, Police, Provincial Governors, Cabinet Ministers, Prime Ministers and Presidents must uphold and they do that by having free access to every nook and cradle of Zimbabwe to research governance concerns that require regulating.
Those that attempt to hinder or curtail Parliament’s liberties to exercise its functions of freely carrying out its independent investigative roles demanding that certain protocols are chumps that need to be put in their rightful places by being charged with contempt of Parliament and Police Commissioner General and Zanu PF imposed Manicaland Provincial Governor Christopher Mushowe are no exceptions to that.
They must be summoned to Parliament to answer by what authority they refused a properly constituted Parliamentary committee its right to enter and investigate the diamond mining concerns in Manicaland.
The Speaker of Parliament Lovemore Moyo must show his teeth here and now to avoid setting a dangerous precedent where others will feel entitled to disregard Parliament and render it ineffective.
The Chiadzwa diamond mining embarrassment on Zanu PF produced another chump when Zanu PF Vice President John Nkomo waded in with the complaint that it took his party 3 decades to discover that the former British colonial masters had deliberately hidden information about Zimbabwe’s mineral wealth from indigenous people.
“Those that had colonised us had taken all the information and hidden it, everything that we had in terms of minerals was hidden and it is only now that records dating as far back as the 1800’s have been found that Zimbabwe has 32 types of mineral deposits and now we know that there are more. Let us exploit these resources to rebuild Africa. Why do we need an investor to come and mine gold? Why an investor to farm? Let us do it ourselves, that is why we are liberated. There is nothing like difficulties. These are challenges to make us think and not to rely on someone else,” Nkomo is reported by the Zambia Post as having told delegates at the Spatial Development Initiative meeting" at Victoria Falls recently.
With admissions like this who can then doubt that fortune surely favours fools?
Not to be outdone by the other chumps from his party Youth, Indigenization and empowerment Minister Saviour Kasukuwere published controversial empowerment regulations binding the government without prior exhaustive consultations with its diverse stakeholders.
When it became apparent that his actions were damaging to the speedy recovery of the country’s ailing economy he sought to seek input on the controversial rules that compel foreign investors to donate 51% to indigenous people.
When he was granted the platform to explain his rationale for making such investor unfriendly regulations at a time the country needs foreign investment input the most he stormed out of the meeting accusing those he gone to seek help from of being chumps when the only chump was none other than himself.

After being notified by the MDC-T about the dismissal of the Chitungwiza Council on allegations of corruption the Minister who has been actively seeking the slightest hint to remove MDC-T Councillors and Mayors from office and replace them with his own appointees surprised the nation when he came out in full support of the continued stay in office of the corrupt Council.
It turned out the corrupt Councillors had been instrumental in facilitating the Minister’s corrupt acquisition of prime land in the town and their departure could leave his shady deals open to investigation and his public ridicule.
In nearby Harare it turned out that the Minister and the Zanu PF Commissioners he appointed had been corruptly parceling out land and prime properties to each other and high profile Zanu PF beneficiaries of the underhand and illegal dealings in Harare include among others Dr Ignatius Chombo, Tendai Savanhu, Sekai Makwavarara and Phillip Chiyangwa.
In a classical case of seeking exoneration by pointing in the other direction Minister Chombo recruited the chumps at the Herald to publish stories of MDC Councillors in Harare abusing their authority by evicting tenants and corruptly taking over ownership of the poor tenants’ homes.
The lies were immediately exposed when the Herald was forced to apologise to Councilor Wellington Chikombo of Ward 28 in Glen Norah for implicating him in shady housing deals falsely.
Meanwhile the chump that Phillip Chiyangwa is reported the council to the police in a bid to fend off investigations into his shady deals with former Harare city Zanu PF imposed commissions.
In Masvingo Zanu PF chumps grouped under the banner of War collaborators and staged a march in protest of what they claimed was Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s crime of inviting sanctions that claimed the lives of 500 000 Zimbabweans without providing a shred of evidence as to how sanctions killed such a massive number of people and how the Premier invited the sanctions.
The Daily News website reported that War Collaborators of Zimbabwe vice chairperson Josephine Gandiya demanded an apology from the Prime Minister for having caused the death of over 500 000 people.
“Experts have told us that the Prime Minister who invited the sanctions caused the death of over 500 000 people because these people died due to a shortage of drugs and outbreak of diseases as a result of sanctions”, Gandiya is reported as having told the marchers by the online publication.
“We are saying enough is enough we will one day confront the Prime Minister and cause physical harm on him.”
“We are prepared to follow some of us who died during the liberation struggle if the Prime Minister does not come in the open and condemn sanctions.
“Do not worry about our number because if you push us to the end we will harm you and we expect you not to cry”.
The police that is normally very efficient and proactive in arresting those that threaten the President has not moved an inch to interview Gandiya and her associates over these openly declared threats to injure the Premier.
Not that we expected any action at variance with condonotion from a police force led by the highly politically compromised Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri.
Zanu PF foot soldiers are immune to legal prosecution and have been like that for the past three decades.
“Anyone who says he fought during the war of liberation without mentioning war collaborators is a fool”.
“We killed people during the liberation and therefore we fought during that war” she reportedly ranted in front of Zanu PF imposed Masvingo Provincial Governor Titus Maluleke’s offices while under police protection.
These chumps are damaging not just to Zanu PF but the entire nation as it is the same pronouncements she is reiterating that convinced the USA, EU and their allies that the Zanu PF government in Zimbabwe had become a danger to the generality of the populace resulting in the imposition of the sanctions Gandiya ascribes to the Premier.
When the sanctions are extended in future we will not hesitate reminding this chump that it was because of her hate speech and unpunished threats to physically harm the Premier that has contributed to the decision to keep sanctions in place as a safety measure against harm to the Premier and his followers.
Zanu PF imposed Provincial Governors for Matabeleland South Angeline Masuku and Bulawayo Metropolitan Province Cain Mathema commute an average 240 kilometers each daily to and from work in chauffer driven government limousines they were allocated in addition to their unlawful appointment.
On average and when in pristine condition the limousines they use guzzle a litre of fuel for 12 kilometers they travel meaning the two Governors use approximately 40 litres of fuel daily costing the taxpayer US$41.20 daily and an astronomical $1352.00 per month in fuel to go to work alone.
Add to this the cost of wear and tear on the vehicle and salaries and subsistence allowances for their chauffer’s and escorts and the 2 Governors who are supposed to be resident Ministers in their provinces may easily be costing us $10000.00 per month to go to work alone.
This not an insignificant amount by any means in a country where a qualified Doctor earns no more than $400.00 per month.
The chumps ascribe their extravagance to sanctions.
What a load of rubbish.
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