Cooperation met in Livingstone, Republic of Zambia, on 31 March 2011 to
consider the political and security situation in the region, in particular in the
Republics of Madagascar and Zimbabwe.
2. Summit was chaired by H.E. Rupiah Bwezani Banda, Chairperson of
Organ on Politics Defence and Security Cooperation and President of the
Republic of Zambia.
3. Summit was attended by the following Heads of State and Government:
Namibia H.E. President Hifikepunye Pohamba,
Chairperson of SADC
South Africa H.E. President Jacob G. Zuma, Deputy
Chairperson of the Organ
Mozambique H.E. President Armando Emilio Guebuza.
4. Also in attendence were H.E. Robert G. Mugabe, President of the
Republic of Zimbabwe, Right. Hon. Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister;
Hon. Deputy Prime Minister Professor Arthur Mutambara; Professor
Welshman Ncube, President of MCD-N and Dr. Tomaz Augusto Salomão,
Executive Secretary of SADC.
5. Summit congratulated H.E Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United
Republic of Tanzania and his party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) for
winning the general elections in November 2010.
6. Summit recalled and reiterated its decisions of March 2009 on the urgent
need to restore constitutional order in Madagascar and pledged full
support to the SADC Mediation Team in its efforts to help the Malagasy
people in finding a lasting solution to the crisis facing the country.
7. Summit considered the report of the SADC Mediator and noted the
development of the roadmap for returning the country to constitutional
8. Summit decided to recommend the convening of an Extraordinary Summit
to further consider the Madagascar Report as a matter of urgency.
9. Summit urged all Malagasy Political Actors to reject violence or threat to
use violence during the transition;
10. Summit committed to consolidate and protect the achievements made in
the mediation process and urge all the political parties to cooperate and
support the work of the SADC Meditation towards the free, fair and
credible elections.
11. Summit reiterated that the Malgacho-Malgache Dialogue continue to be
guided by consensus, inclusivity and transparency.
12. Summit commended His Excellency Joaquim A. Chissano, former
President of the Republic of Mozambique, and SADC Mediator on
Madagascar for his efforts in finding the lasting solution for Madagascar
13. On Zimbabwe, Summit received the report on the political and security
situation in the country as presented by the SADC Facilitator H.E. Jacob
Zuma, the President of the Republic of South Africa.
14. Summit appreciated the frankness with which the report was presented by
the SADC Facilitator and commended him for the work that he has been
doing on behalf of SADC.
15. Summit recalled past SADC decisions on the implementation of the GPA
and noted with disappointment insufficient progress thereof and expressed
its impatience in the delay of the implementation of the GPA.
16. Summit noted with grave concern the polarization of the political
environment as characterized by, inter alia, resurgence of violence,
arrests and intimidation in Zimbabwe.
17. In view of the above, Summit resolved that:
(a) there must be an immediate end of violence, intimidation, hate
speech, harassment, and any other form of action that contradicts
the letter and spirit of GPA;
(b) all stakeholders to the GPA should implement all the provisions of
the GPA and create a conducive environment for peace, security,
and free political activity;
(c) the Inclusive Government in Zimbabwe should complete all the
steps necessary for the holding of the election including the
finalisation of the constitutional amendment and the referendum;
(d) SADC should assist Zimbabwe to formulate guidelines that will
assist in holding an election that will be peaceful, free and fair, in
accordance with the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing
Democratic Elections;
(e) the Troika of the Organ shall appoint a team of officials to join the
Facilitation Team and work with the Joint Monitoring and
Implementation Committee (JOMIC) to ensure monitoring,
evaluation and implementation of the GPA. The Troika shall
develop the Terms of Reference, time frames and provide regular
progress report, the first, to be presented during the next SADC
Extraordinary Summit. Summit will review progress on the
implementation of GPA and take appropriate action.
18. Summit endorsed the report of the SADC Facilitation on Zimbabwe.
19. In reviewing political and security developments on the continent, Summit
noted with grave concern the deteriorating security and humanitarian
situation in Cote d’Ivoire leading to increased deaths, displacement of
persons and influx of refugees.
20. Summit called on Mr. Laurent Gbagbo to hand over power to the
internationally recognized winner of the Ivorian Presidential elections, Mr.
Allassane Ouattara with immediate effect in order to avoid further
21. With regards to Libya, Summit noted with concern the obtrusive measures
taken by some countries which go beyond the letter and the spirit of
UNSC Resolution 1973 on the No-Fly zone. In this regard Summit called
for the adherence to the political track that was initiated by the AU, to pave
the way for political solution in accordance with all its resolutions.
22. Summit expressed its gratitude to His Excellency Rupiah Banda, the
Government and the people of Zambia for the warm hospitality and the
excellent conditions they provided to the delegates.
Livingstone, Republic of Zambia
31 March, 2011
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