Zimbabwean politicians are not renowned for their generosity. If anything they are reputed for a mean brand of politics that polarises people and has little room for lasting compromises. It becomes difficult to decide which one to thank or deplore without inviting a torrent of criticism from the polarised Zimbabweans.Here is the beginning of my post.
In 2008 many politicians within and outside Zimbabwe have held their own and deserve to be thanked for their efforts in shaping the living conditions in Zimbabwe to the state they are in today.
The Zimbabwean electorate deserves special thanks for its courage in voting resoundingly for change on 29 March 2008. Pity their courage did not count for much towards the change they yearn for. All is not in vain however as the process they started is still centre stage of the politics in the country this Christmas.
Self styled political analysts and commentators also left an indelible mark on the political landscape in Zimbabwe. Their leading opinions on harmonised 29 March 2008 elections were as polarised as the country’s political landscape is.
The chattering politicians had some awful predictions about the outcome of the Presidential elections.
Many in the elitist school predicted a Dr Makoni win in a vigorous Web based campaign that was proved way off the mark by the electoral outcome and they went into hibernation only to resurface months later when the Junta prevented the winner’s coronation by forcing a sham Presidential poll.
Al the same they must be thanked for showing Zimbabweans that their eliticism can only aide survival of the Junta and nothing more.
Because of their esteemed political positions some people deserve special mention for their contributions to the political state of Zimbabwe today.
Trudy Stevenson, Priscilla Misihairambwi Mushonga and Gabriel Chaibva deserve to be thanked for showing Zimbabweans that they are not worthy of the trust that had been invested in them as MDC Parliamentarians.
They blame MDC leader Tsvangirai for the political and economic malaise gripping the country yet they were part of his inner circle and won political reputation under his leadership only to crumble into oblivion when they decided to backstab him in vain.
Dr Simba Makoni, Dr Dumiso Dabengwa Prof Jonathan Moyo and Prof Welshman Ncube deserve special thanks for their contribution to the current political impasse in the country.
Aided by news magnate Trevor Ncube and his media group the proponents of political eliticism deserve special mention for fooling the electorate that they were interested in change from Zanu PF fascism when infact theirs was a mission to derail regime change by dividing opposition to Zanu PF and Mugabe leadership.
We shall forever remain indebted for your intuitive strategy that aided the vote rigging that bestowed a Junta regime upon us this Christmas.
We can only wish you many more years in the politics of eliticism that will further alienate yourselves from the generality of the populace.
Emmerson Mnangagwa, Patrick Chinamasa, Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, Nathaniel Manheru, Bright Matonga, Dr Tofatoona Mahoso, Happyton Muchechetere, Munyaradzi Huni, Caesar Zvayi, Reason Wafawarova, Caesar Zvayi, Mabasa Sasa, Jorum Nyathi, Itayi Garande, Mthulisi Mathuthu, George Shire and the rest of the Junta’s information crew we thank you for leading the crusade to retain the current hegemony.
Surely we could not be any better off than we are now if you had promoted democratic ideals in your opinions?
But it was the comical side of your lethargic views that we will never forget. The West recolonisation agenda, the Sanctions, the Cholera, the Anthrax, the abduction Denials, the Price wars, the Trumped up charges, the Cover ups, the Mugabe praise songs and the low opinions you hold for our desire for change deserves our eternal gratitude don’t you think?
Prof Arthur Mutambara thank you for branding the MDC to MDC PF and the generational thinking thought process that seeks to create a universally competitive economy in our country. Thank you for vacillating between promoting international integration and ostracising integration with Western values led by undereducated politicians who do not see the value of a Zimbabwe whose people are subservient to Zanu PF as long as you are the Deputy Prime Minister.
Infact we must all be grateful for you retaining a separate political existence from the shallow MDC oppositional rhetoric and moulding a truly Zimbabwean opposition to Zanu PF that seeks to unite Zimbabweans under Mugabe’s incisive leadership of the Unity Government that in your opinion is panacea to all our woes as a country.
We must also never forget to thank you for promoting that unity by leading a tribal breakaway faction of the politicians opposed to Mugabe.
Dr Dumiso Dabengwa has taken a cue from your politics of tribal division to achieve national unity and integration and we are sure you will forge strong alliances with him and bring our economic woes to an abrupt end something the “intellectual midget” leading the MDC has failed to achieve in the past decade despite having support of most Zimbabweans other than those behind you and Zanu PF and your shared militia.
We further thank your wisdom in cobbling a flawed Unity Government framework with a view of extinguishing political diversity and moving the country towards the one party state that Zanu PF has failed to achieve over 3 decades of uninterrupted rule in the country.
Your gate crash entry into mainstream politics by spearheading factionalism and coalitions thereafter has resolved our political docility and improved our social and economic status or has it done the opposite?
All the same we thank you as we now more the wiser that it will not serve democratic promotion to bank our votes in any political formation under your stewardship now and in future as you prefer elitist negotiated political settlements over electoral democracy many of us subscribe to.
We know that in future even if we do not choose your leadership you will always use your superior intellect to thump your nose at us by forcing an endless negotiated political settlement that embraces the violent and vicious for political expediency.
We thank you for admitting that you and your faction are electorally irrelevant but intellectually formidable therefore next time elections are held we will bear that uppermost in our minds and decide who to vote for on that basis.
A big thank you to the late Elliot Manyika, Jabulani Sibanda, Saviour Kasukuwere, Nicholas Goche, Joseph Chinotimba and their unholy partnership with Constantine Chiwenga, Augustine Chihuri, Happyton Bonyongwe and Paradzai Zimondi aide by economic saboteurs Godwills Musimirambwi and Gideon Gono.
Because of your immeasurable patriotism guys our hospitals are empty deserted and forlorn, our shops are full of steel shelves with nothing on display, our schools are full of dilapidated furniture no one is prepared to use, our food self sufficiency is guaranteed by produce from farms you viciously repossessed and parcelled to your cronies, our clean water supplies are now internationally reputed for the catastrophic spread of cholera and other waterborne diseases, HIV and malnutrition have reached endemic levels and our currency has accumulated so many zeroes we no longer can pronounce our value in figures.
We thank you.
Kgalema Motlanthe, Jacob Zuma, King Mswati, Thabo Mbeki, Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba Armando Gabueza, José Eduardo dos Santos, Joseph Kabila, Hu Jintao, Dmitry Medvedev and all likeminded African and Eastern bloc political leaders, thank you for promoting and supporting impunity and unbridled onslaught against humanity and electoral democracy in our country.
We shall forever remain indebted for your support of an elitist political process that rewards electoral losers with totalitarian power to determine the fate of over 13 million people 80% of whom are living in abject poverty and gripping fear of political repression from aid extended to the Junta in our country by your countries.
Umaru Yar'Adua, Abdoulaye Wade, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Seretse Khama Ian Khama, the late Levy Mwanawasa, Barrack Obama, John Howard, Reverend Allan Boesak, George Bush, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, Kevin Rudd, Gordon Brown, David Cameron. Mosiuoa “Terror” Lekota, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Jendayi Elizabeth Frazer, Raila Odinga, Archbishop Joseph Sentamu, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Pascal Couchepin Ban Ki-moon, Kofi Annan and all likeminded world leaders Zimbabweans will forever remember the solidarity you have expressed in their fight against Zanu PF fascism.
Many among you have other pressing national issues for people in your respective countries and in many instances you have inherited a morally debilitating historical association with colonial Zimbabwe but that has not dissuaded from expressing solidarity with oppressed Zimbabweans.
Your vocal disapproval of dictatorship in Zimbabwe has been heart warming for many Zimbabweans.
If only you could prevail on the anchors of the fascist junta in Zimbabwe to desist from propping up the junta with material aid it uses to suppress dissent with reckless abandon, Zimbabwe will by the next Christmas take pride of place in global politics and economic activity.
Zimbabweans wait for that day with increased trepidation and forbearance.
Robert Gabriel Mugabe does not deserve any thanks from anyone. He has refused to uphold the oath of office he took when he was elected president and has used the military and all pillars of state power to suppress and dominate Zimbabweans.
His self made presidency is the reason why this Christmas is bleak for all Zimbabweans rich or poor alike.
Many innocent victims of Mugabe’s misrule are separated from family and friends and a great many others are languishing in secluded detention for trumped up political charges.
Thousands of prime and nascent lives are being lost to diseases and famine Mugabe has capacity to mitigate by simply accepting the outcome of a democratic process but alas he does not and continues to plunder the social economic and political fabric with impunity.
For that reason he is the only politician I will not thank this Christmas. Not that it will take anything away from him but regardless of how impervious he is to correction I will still withhold my appreciation for what he did because that is the only way to register to him the displeasure of many Zimbabweans with his self imposed rule.
Morgan Tsvangirai may have many shortcomings as a person and politician but it is him that I will reserve the bulk of my appreciation for forcing Mugabe and his Junta into a corner they are struggling to fight out of.
By taking calculated political risks Tsvangirai and his MDC advisors have managed to open world eyes to the humanitarian catastrophe in Zimbabwe.
International food aid and medical aid operations have been restored after the Junta led by Mugabe had punitively suspended such operations for political expediency.
The undemocratic Unity Government pact he entered into remain on the drawing board because Zanu PF and Mugabe want to use it for entrenching themselves in power when its purpose was to allow smooth transition from the Junta state Mugabe had sanctioned on 27 June to the electoral democracy it has always claimed to be albeit falsely.
But the greatest gift from Tsvangirai and his MDC party has been the exposure of Mugabe and Zanu PF as a fake democratic political institution to the whole world.
The greatest gift has been the threat of a pullout from the Unity Government unless abducted people in jails and police detente for political crimes they have not been charged of committing, tried and convicted.
Christmas was ever going to be agonising in Zimbabwe but for families and friends of the abductees only Mugabe and his vicious police force knew of their whereabouts, the agony was unbearable and Tsvangirai’s threat archived the relief families needed in knowing that their loved ones were still alive notwithstanding the victimisation and deprivation they had been subjected to.
In the coming new year I have the greatest expectation that MDC and Tsvangirai will usher the changes we yearn for by forcing Mugabe to share power equitably in the transitional Unity government or pulling out of the project altogether if Mugabe and Zanu PF persist with the smash and grab political brinkmanship they have displayed since 29 March 2008.
Setting 29 March 2009 as the deadline for setting the inclusive government or its collapse is not a bad idea at all.
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