Desperate moments call for desperate means to overcome the threats. So it was for the megalomaniac SADC imposed Zimbabwe President Mugabe. Tired from advanced age and battered by unrelenting restrictions on his travel and that of his closest advisors, the octogenarian president had to resort to putting the country he and his party has ravaged over the past 3 decades in the hands of a distrusted Premier whom he believes is a puppet of Western countries.
The compulsion to rely on the Premier was the final act of capitulation by a despotic ruler to the tightening screws of international sanctions on his party leadership that has put his once invincible party in total disarray.
President Mugabe informed his Party’s national Consultative Assembly meeting that he has already finalised the criteria for evaluating the performance of the Premier on his recent trip to the Western nations.
He disclosed that he would sit down and talk to Prime Minister Tsvangirai about the negative attitude of the Western countries that the Premier has been touring as part of a Presidential and Cabinet brief to lobby for the removal of economic sanctions and extension of financial assistance.
President Mugabe disclosed that because Western countries visited by PM Tsvangirai had vowed not to remove the “illegal” sanctions they imposed on Zimbabwe and Zanu PF leadership unless there is regime change if the country- as if the coalition government is not a form of regime change- he would sit down with the Premier and whip him into line.
"They wanted Zanu-PF and Mugabe to be defeated. We will not lift sanctions, they say. We will not give you money except little pieces of silver.
"Urikutoita zvako ushamwari naye kuenda kuinclusive Government? Ndizvozvatakaronga?" he said. (“Why are you befriending Mugabe in this coalition government? Was that what we agreed upon with you in the first place?”) he lamented.
In essence the meeting to review the Premier’s State visit to Western nations will be transformed into a disciplinary hearing for the Premier.
The charges the Premier will face from the President will among other things include;
The Premier’s perceived failure to convince his so called western friends, to bail out the country with uncapped monetary aid.
“Changamire, madziona shamwari dzenyu?”(“Where are your Western friends now sir?)he boasted he will open discussions with the Premier on this note.
This will be a serious allegation because President Mugabe elaborated that he had told the Premier that he had fought for the country’s freedom after coming to the conclusion that only a dead imperialist is a good one but the Premier disputed that.
The President said hitherto he had told the premier that "Colonisers can never be friends, so we turn our back on them and face the East," but the Premier would hear none of that.
By extension the President was telling his captive audience that the Premier’s trip was the litmus test for the Premier’s untested claims that he had friends in the West who could help the country recover from its economic malaise but the trip had disproved that myth.
The Premier’s dysfunctional multi-currency trading fiscal policies.
President Mugabe concocted mischievous lies when he told his audience that the MDC promised billions of dollars if the inclusive Government was formed, but nothing had materialised so far.
The truth is that the MDC said it would attract international interest and confidence in the country by winning the harmonised elections and forming a compact but accountable government that would be accountable to the electorate.
President Mugabe with the support of the military, Sadc and the AU refused to bow down after he was defeated in the critical Presidential segment of the March 2008 harmonised elections and compelled the formation of the current coalition government. The MDC was coerced into this makeshift government to salvage anything it could of its stolen victory.
That is the sole reason why we are languishing under the rule of this coalition government if the President has suffered amnesia of what happened.
"Inclusive Government yedu yakauya tese tine chitarisiro chekuti sezvo tose tichiuya mupartnership, kuchazova nerubatsiro rwunobva kumativi ose.
"Vaye vaiti kana mabatana mari ichazoduruka, asi tiri kuona kuti hapana chaduruka. Kune vanga vakatarisira kumatenzi avo arikuramba," he said.
"Kurikushaikwa mari yekubhadhara vari kusevenza, maministers acho, kana President wacho. Saka zvino inclusive Government yacho, inclusive Government yenzara?
"Ndanga ndisati ndambotambira US$100 asi pagore rino ndakatambiriswa US$100 ini. Hakuna kubuda kana cent rimwe chete."
(“The inclusive government was conceived on the hope that because of the partnership in government we would get aid from both sides (West and East. There were those that claimed that if we unite funds will pour into the country but nothing of the sort has been realised to date. There were those that expected support from their masters who have been rebuffed. There is no money to pay workers, ministers and even the President. This is therefore an inclusive government of poverty. I have never earned US$100 in my life but this is what I am being paid this year. The trip has not yielded a single cent.”)
Strange that the only leader the country has known for 3 decades would have the temerity to spew such garbage.
President Mugabe must know that the reason why he has never earned a pittance US$100 per month was because he was paying most of us no more than 50 cents per month while he paid himself and his Zanu PF cronies tens of thousands of US dollars per month.
If he refunds what he and his cronies siphoned from the country over the past 3 Decades all of us will earn nothing less than the US$500 required to sustain a family of six per month.
No government worth the name can expect its national workforce to be paid from funds donated by nations where its workers are not producing anything of value.
It is hoped the Premier will not waste the opportunity to remind the President of these realities.
As long as the President remains living with the myopic belief that the country is owed aid by the Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern countries jointly or severally the Premier must play the role of reminding that the country is owed nothing by anyone other than its nationals who have allowed him to ruin its once strong economy and accepted destitution under his rule of political repression and patronage handouts.
That the president’s Party should wake up from its deep slumber is not debatable but the fact that the President is sleep talking about it is serious cause for concern.
In his shocking dream the President sees the nation suffering more from the effects of the introduction of the multi-currency system which has helped reduce inflation and re-stocked the retail outlets his Price Wars had completely emptied within 2 months, than they suffered over the past decade with quadrillions of local currency in their satchels and car boots that could not buy them anything anywhere other than
in other neighbouring countries.
That is most alarming because the President wants to drive back the country to that dark period.
The only people realising how hard it has been for the generality of the populace to access forex with which to purchase goods from neighbouring countries are the very same people who used to be pampered with daily survival needs by the RBZ governor after stealing funds from individuals and donor accounts in exchange for their loyalty to Zanu PF.
Now that the RBZ governor he imposed on the Nation cannot buy their loyalty as there is free competition for forex, they want the President to restore worthless money printing powers to the RBZ governor so that the goods that have been bought by real currencies and are stocked in retail outlets can be bought by that trash and donated to them.
The obvious result will be the disappearance of goods from publicly licensed outlets into the private black market where access will not only be difficult but the goods will be more expensive due to scarcity and inflation will once again take root.
The Premier must urge the Nation to rise up against any such premature attempt to correct their current financial constraints and demand that only a government resultant from the electoral process and not some SADC/AU imposed compromise will have mandates to reintroduce a Zimbabwean currency.
The President will accuse the Premier that the fall back on multi currency has caused untold suffering among his rural supporter bases because they were unable to access either the American dollar or South African rand.
He will argue that this had forced rural people to trade their valuable livestock for money to buy other necessities of life as if that is a crime.
The Premier must ask the President why it is unacceptable for rural farmers to part with valuables that they posses like cereals and livestock in exchange for value owned by workers and entrepreneurs like cash and processed consumer goods.
"Hatingaite nyika yakadaro, kwete. Tirikuongorora kuzvichinja todzokera kumari yedu. Mitengo hongu ingadaro yakadzikira, asi vanhu vanosungirwa kuwana mari. Kana vasina, vanozotenga sei? (“We can’t allow the country to run like that. We are in the process of changing that monetary policy to reassert usage of our local currency. Prices of goods may have fallen but people must have money first. For if they do not have money how will they buy the cheap goods?”)
At his age we do not want to assume that the President still has to learn that money does not grow on trees where the willing can go and pick it but has to be worked for and earned.
Likewise cheap goods and services do not rain from heaven like manna did for the Israelites and have to be made, bought or learned before they can be owned.
He must never fool the nation that having local currency will automatically empower them to buy goods imported in the country by forex earners who have exported their labour and or some produce from the country.
Human rights
The President reportedly dismissed the comments of the Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan who was in the country recently to assess progress made by the coalition government to restore vandalised human rights.
"I do not know where she got her information from. She was just being hypocritical," he said.
While belittling her for meddling in the country’s internal affairs to assess its credit worthiness President Mugabe bemoans failed attempts by the state to secure funds from the same "little fellows like Irene Khan".
Why ever he chooses to approach little fellows for help baffles the mind. The President must not expect the premier to secure funds from countries where little fellows hail from and it is expected the Premier will not fail to remind him of that brutal reality.
"Hameno kuti kakabva nekupi iko kamudzimai aka, kupopotapopota ndikati ah, kakaroyiwa here? Iyo nyika yedu yangova nyika yokuti wada anongouya kutaura tsvina yakadaro?(“I do not know where this little lady came from to cause the nuisance she did. I just said to ah maybe she is bewitched? What has become of our country that has now reduced it to a free for all dumping ground for political garbage?)
"Let the people talk about the unjust measures imposed on us," lamented the President.
We can tell him that it is because of his failure to manage the country’s economy over the past 28 years he has been at the helm that the country has slid into a beggar nation and allowed the haves he believes are little meddlers have found inroads into the country’s politics
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