Following a 3 months lull in political vitriol the Zanu PF merchants of hate and spin have been unleashed once again in a show of what lies ahead for the coalition government’s proposed reform agenda.
Zanu PF President Robert Mugabe opened the cages and unleashed the hate propaganda machinery he had instructed to lie low until the opportune time arose.
And the wiling tools of oppression took to their newly found freedom with renewed vigour albeit with signs of discord because the situation on the ground has somewhat changed for the better and the party desperately needs to be credited with the improvements.
It is no secret that Zanu PF power is vested in the Security forces and the bureaucracy has been moulded around providing unlimited financial support and favourable media coverage for the military expedition.
It all started when coalition government principals failed to complete the power sharing process beyond Cabinet level as envisaged in the 15 September 2008 Global Political Agreement (GPA) and the aggrieved MDC principal subscribers decided to refer the stalemate to the agreement’s SADC and AU guarantors for arbitration against the wish of the Zanu PF principal.
In a normal democracy the disagreements would be put to vote for final determination but then the Zimbabwe coalition government is anything but a democratic entity.
It is a government that has been forced down the throats of a disillusioned, physically and emotionally buttered and subdued electorate by a recalcitrant Junta with SADC and AU complicity.
Instead of voting to dispose contentious issues the supposedly apex trio of custodians of our sovereignty have to outsource our internal affairs to neighbouring countries leadership to comply with the distasteful precedent set by “our” Military commanders to suspend electoral verdicts in favour of “good neighbourly” solutions to our political disputes.
Because the Zanu PF leader is also fronting the Military any voting against his wishes will be annulled by military force leaving neighbour states arbitration the only other dispute resolution course with available to anyone against Mugabe.
Such is the state of our sovereignty that we are ruled by decrees from other countries surrounding ours.
When the power sharing of provincial political leadership at government level indicated that Zanu PF was destined to play second fiddle to the MDC as it has been forced to do in Parliament, Mugabe and his Militant handlers decided it was time for Zanu PF to disregard the agreement that legitimised its leader’s imposed headship of the State after losing elections.
The MDC, whose participation in the coalition government is heavily premised on the accurate calculation that the popular party stands better chances of democratising the country within government corridors of power that as outside opposition without control of statutory resources and institutions, has infuriated Mugabe and his Military establishment backers by stabilising the country’s economy that had been in free fall for more than a decade within three months of joining the government.
In doing so the MDC has severely dented the chances of Zanu PF ever being re-elected to rule the country and Zanu PF and its backers are not amused by the prospect of being relegated to opposition benches come the next elections whenever they will be held with guarantees that the outcome will not be interfered with militantly.
It was on this basis that Mugabe refused to entertain power sharing with the coalition partners beyond Cabinet and Parliament in the hope that the bureaucracy that has served him and Zanu PF with unflinching loyalty would play a crucial role in enhancing waning Zanu PF electoral fortunes as all credit for the little good coming out of the coalition government is somehow being credited to the MDC no matter what effort Zanu PF puts to claim the credit.
The MDC is focussed on two critical political projects that have been the exclusive trump card of Zanu PF power entrenchment strategies.
Replacement of the flawed Constitution and abuse of State funds and institutions to promote and entrench Zanu PF hegemony ranks uppermost and the charming of the electorate with a demonstration of the party’s capacity and depth to turnaround the ravaged economy and social services is a close second.
This is why the party has been uncompromising on the question of political appointees in the coalition government and the constitution making process.
Zanu PF and the Military never imagined that the MDC would be able to stabilise the economy to the extent it has done without a deluge of international aid from its “Western Masters” who it had calculated would not come on board as long as Zanu PF kept the chaotic land reforms as chaotic as ever and legal impunity as unchecked as it was before the coalition government.
The political maturity and depth within the MDC-T so often publicly ridiculed for want of strategic thing has been demonstrated by its ability to read through these well coordinated Zanu PF political strategies to deny it any tangible success and its refusal to quit the coalition government in protest to the deliberate breaches of the GPA by Zanu PF which are calculated to derail the Constitution making process and set the stage for the democratisation revolution.
Realising that no amount of deliberate disregard of GPA clauses will shrug off the MDC involvement in government Mugabe and Zanu PF decided it was time to be totally unreasonable and openly defiant if MDC political progress through the GPA was to be checked.
Unilateral political appointees from within Zanu PF structures he had assigned to manage the critical positions at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) and in the Attorney General’s (AG)Office in defiance of the procedure he had personally signed in the GPA were fait accompli he announced at the funeral of the RBZ governor’s brother in response to MDC National Council announcement that it had resolved to refer the disputed appointments to SADC for arbitration in terms of the GPA dispute resolution proviso.
That was the signal that the party’s propagandists were waiting for to go on the unrestrained offensive against the MDC-T which seems to be making shocking inroads in hitherto Zanu PF enclaves of political support which were no go areas for opposition parties but are now there for the taking through the coalition government involvement protection.
The announcement was a panic response to the report tabled before the Zanu PF Politburo showing the party was losing grassroots support in droves in its power enclaves to the MDC due to modest economic stabilisation measures so far scored by the MDC in its short stint in government and the prospects any further dilution of power in government would have if the bureaucracy was supportive.
Coupled with the prospect that SADC will find it difficult to condone an open breach to an agreement it worked so hard to realise and changes in South Africa’s leadership and uncertainty about shifting paradigms in SADC as a consequence the risk had to be managed somehow at the micro level before MDC became entrenched as the saviour party.
And who better to do that than the trusted compromised State media?
Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa, Air Vice Marshal Henry Muchena, Mashonaland Central Provincial Governor Advocate Dinha and Zanu PF apologist “Bishop” Trevor Manhanga took turns to echo the Zanu PF leader and set the agenda for the propagandists at the same funeral declaring that the RBZ Governor’s position was filled and end of story as decreed by the President.
They basically instructed the state controlled media propagandists to go out of the kernels and bark the message that whoever was unhappy with that decree can go hang at the same time he risked provoking the military to invoke a military solution similar to what happened to those that opposed Mugabe’s re-election bid in the June 2008 sham Presidential runoff election.
Liberation War Veterans militia commander of chaotic Commercial Farm invasions Joseph Chinotimba whose active participation in the Liberation War against colonists remain as shrouded in secrecy as it was when he emerged as the commander of Farm invasions weighed in with the germ that his followers will respond to any attempt to relieve Gideon Gono of his position with renewed invasions of the remaining 300 odd commercial farms that are still in White Settler ownership.
A frightening prospect indeed after Air Vice Marshal Henry Muchena had indicated that Dr Gono was a key member of the Military establishment whose ejection at the Central bank would provoke Military mutiny against the coalition government sponsors of the punitive action against the RBZ Governor.
The state owned Herald newspaper followed this development up with first an opinion piece from disgraced former Information and Publicity Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo of the AIPPA and POSA repressive statutes wherein he claimed that the modest economic stabilisation credit that the MDC claims to have achieved in its first 100 days in government was infact a result of the Zanu PF Budget and Monetary policy in January 2009 which hailed multicurrency usage in the country and mitigated runaway hyper inflation that had gone off radar by the end of 2008.
The loathed Zanu PF reject professor was bidding for the retention of Dr Gono’s services at the central Bank as it had benefited him immensely due to his close ties with Dr Gono.
But nobody believes him because for a decade Zanu PF had presided over a nose diving economy with record world inflation for a country at peace this century and had no idea whatsoever how to deal with the problem continuing to print worthless paper money and slashing zeros when they became unmanageable for accounting technology.
It was only after the signing of the GPA that Zanu PF realised the MDC was imminently coming on board to govern the country and would not accept the nonsensical print money fiscal policy that the RBZ and the Acting Junta Finance Minister reviewed the MDC fiscal policies and adopted the liberalisation of the forex market which hitherto Zanu PF had controlled with an iron fist creating crimes like externalisation of forex as if such currencies were ever localised in Zimbabwe.
It was the MDC policy on fiscal liberalisation that the Junta plagiarised but defaced by proposing forex voucher payment systems as opposed to free for all cash forex access.
The idea was always to retain real forex money within Zanu PF exclusive access while all else used paper vouchers which were easier to print in huge quantities and use to access scarce forex reserves at the RBZ on political patronage considerations for the privileged few.
Not to be outdone by a disgraced Zanu PF reject Dr Gono personally claimed he and 6 others have been offered bribes by the MDC in his case up to US$10.5 million to resign his job an offer he declined with the contempt it deserves.
He further claimed in a leaked at source letter addressed to the Premier but never delivered to him that he had single handedly deferred Zimbabwe’s total economic collapse and claimed credit for the measures that have now been plagiarised by the Finance Minister in the Short Term Economic Recovery Programme (STERP).
With that the dogs were let loose and are barking ferociously at the enemy of the State the MDC for to them, Zanu PF is the State and the State is Zanu PF therefore Dr Gono being part of Zanu PF State cannot be uprooted without defacing the State and that is not permissible.
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