Finally Rt. Hon.Prime Minister Morgan tsvangirai takes the power podium Military Commanders vowed they would never allow him anywhere near to.
4th March 2009
Mr. Speaker Sir, Vice Presidents, Deputy Prime Ministers, Honourable Members;
Thank you for this opportunity to address this, the Seventh Parliament of Zimbabwe, which I trust will be amongst the most cooperative, bold and decisive in our country’s history.
This address to Parliament will outline the legislative vision as embodied in the Global Political Agreement and will later be following its presentation to, and approval by, Cabinet and the Council of Ministers
In the short life of our new Transitional Inclusive Government, I have been encouraged by the enormous support and cooperation I have received and witnessed at the parliamentary, ministerial, executive and civil service levels. If this spirit of teamwork continues, and I have no reason to doubt that it will not, then together we can rebuild our nation and restore Zimbabwe to its proud place in the family of nations.
The signing of the Global Political Agreement on 15 September 2008 signified the soft landing of the Zimbabwe crisis and the commencement of a process that is irreversible and will lead to a new constitution and free and fair elections. It signified the acceptance of the reality that violence has no part to play in our political culture and it signified that the voice of the people can not be silenced indefinitely.
In this new Transitional Inclusive Government executive authority rests with the President, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. As Prime Minister, I am responsible for overseeing the formulation of government policies and to ensure that the policies so formulated are implemented by the entirety of government.
Mr. Speaker Sir, each one of us here today can be justly proud that we have been chosen by our respective communities in our great country, to represent their interests and to translate their hopes and dreams into policy that will make a positive, tangible and sustainable difference to the lives of those whose trust we have won.
This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly and I know that you will commit yourselves to ensuring that you are conversant with the duties that you swore to uphold when you took your seat in this Parliament.
I know that in this House, there are many interests represented, many views held and many political opinions expressed as to the best way forward for our nation.
While I welcome this diversity and the robust debate that results from it, we must always remember that we are united by the principles contained within the GPA, which has now been given legal form through Constitutional Amendment No. 19.
This Agreement provides a solid and irrefutable framework for the task that we have to do in the legislature and the leadership role we have chosen to accept for our people.
The leaders of the three parties represented here, have committed themselves and their members to adhere to the letter and spirit of the GPA and on this there can be no difference, dissent or debate.
Parliament has been committed to implementing the clauses of the GPA and abiding by the Constitution of Zimbabwe. There is no room in this House, in this Government or in this country, for any individuals or groups that wish to prevent progress and keep us mired in the poverty and misery that have come to represent life in Zimbabwe.
Such is the scale of the task ahead, such is the work that we have to do, such is the support that we shall require from the people, that on this we must be united, we must work together and we must put the interests of our nation and our people above all party political considerations.
This is what the GPA asks of each one of us - this is what we, as your leadership, have agreed to - and this is what shall be done.
Mr. Speaker Sir, there can be no viable, permanent or sustainable solution to the problems facing Zimbabwe without the promotion of the people’s freedoms. These freedoms form the bedrock of any democracy and the foundation upon which all development builds. This is recognized within the GPA both via the diversity of freedoms it incorporates and the emphasis it places upon them.
Therefore, during the course of this Parliament a new Constitution will be written. While Parliament will initiate this process, it must be driven by all stakeholders and owned by the people of Zimbabwe. The people will have the final say on its validity, both in terms of process and content, in a referendum that will be held upon its completion.
This new Constitution will be a truly Zimbabwean product, reflecting our history, our diverse cultures our respect for one another and our desire to live free from persecution or fear.
However, there is much work for us to do in promoting freedoms while this Constitutional process is underway.
Firstly, we must lead by example and the GPA commits all political parties to respect and uphold the Constitution and other laws of the land and to the principles of the Rule of Law. In doing this, we must bring to an end the culture of entitlement and impunity that has blighted our country’s recent history.
As leaders we will abide by the rule of law and submit ourselves to the people for free, fair and transparent election at regular intervals. If we break the law or lose the support of the people then we do not deserve to represent them and cannot be members of this House.
With the formation of this Transitional Inclusive Government, all Zimbabweans are now able to propagate their political views and canvass for support, free of harassment and intimidation.
The right to freedom of association and assembly are enshrined in the GPA. It commits the police and other law enforcement agencies to conduct themselves in accordance with the law and to observe and uphold the rule of law.
The government will therefore undertake training programmes aimed at empowering these arms of government in the understanding and application of human rights and the rule of law, particularly as it relates to freedoms of association and assembly.
Our citizens have the right to express their views to us their leadership.
Therefore, the days of the police wantonly and violently breaking up peaceful demonstrations and gatherings and needlessly imprisoning innocent Zimbabweans must now come to an end. In future such activities could bring the threat of prosecution not only on those arresting or interfering with such activities but also on those that ordered such interference and arrests.
Command responsibility is a concept we must address and embrace.
No society can be free, or hope to prosper, without freedom of expression and communication. This too is recognised within the GPA by ensuring that the government immediately processes all applications for re-registration and registration of media houses in terms of both the Broadcasting Services Act as well as the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Those wishing to practise journalism must be able to do so without being prohibited by unnecessary restrictions or exorbitant fees.
In addition, steps will be taken to ensure that the public media provides balanced and fair coverage to all political parties for their legitimate political activities.
All public and private media must refrain from using abusive language that may incite hostility, political intolerance and ethnic hatred or that unfairly undermines political parties and other organisations.
Once an open and free media environment has been achieved, there will be no need for Zimbabwean radio stations to be based abroad and I would encourage those running and working for such stations to return home and help us build a truly free and open communication network in Zimbabwe.
Such concepts of freedom are not foreign to our culture or our continent, nor are they imposed upon us by outsiders. Evidence of this is clear to see in our neighbouring countries where the rights of the people are defended vigorously, where political parties are free to campaign and where there is a healthy choice of radio and television stations and newspapers to choose from.
Therefore, the GPA only encourages us to strive and implement the attributes that exist in our regional African societies.
Naturally, I could not talk about freedoms without referring to those individuals who continue to languish in prison on seriously contested allegations. Their guilt or innocence is not for us to decide but it is a hallowed principle of our law that one is innocent until proven guilty.
These detainees are being punished before they have been convicted. If indeed there is sufficient evidence supporting the allegations against them their respective trials must be given precedence in the national interest. Let a court decide their fate.
The fact that some of these individuals have been incarcerated for months without trial smacks of political persecution. This will not be tolerated under our new Government. Justice must be done and must be seen to be done now.
This issue of justice is not just related to people’s freedoms alone but goes to the very root of the economic recovery programme that this government intends to implement.
As proud as we are as nation, the fact of the matter is that we need regional and international financial aid to pull our country back from the economic abyss on which we are poised.
No donor country or institution is going to offer any meaningful assistance unless our new government projects a positive new image. Brutal suppression, wanton arrests and political persecution impede our ability to rebuild our economy, to generate wealth for all, to rebuild our hospitals and schools and to put a currency of value into our savings accounts.
Thus, those who continue to perpetuate the culture of impunity are sabotaging the chances of all Zimbabweans to move towards prosperity and freedom from hunger and poverty.
Not only are they sabotaging these prospects, but they are also going against the letter and the spirit of the GPA. President Mugabe, Deputy Prime Minister Mutambara and I, have pledged to work together to implement a full and comprehensive economic programme to resuscitate Zimbabwe’s economy by addressing urgently the issues of production, food security, poverty and unemployment and the challenges of high inflation, interest rates and the exchange rate.
Mr. Speaker Sir, our economic recovery is also dependent on attracting back to Zimbabwe the millions of our talented and skilled brothers and sisters who fled the turmoil to seek sanctuary and better economic prospects abroad.
In getting them to return and join us in rebuilding our nation, adherence to the rule of law and the implementation of sound economic policies are essential.
As part of this process, the Government will establish a National Economic Council comprising representatives of all economic sectors and civic society in Zimbabwe.
With the economy, like the other sectors covered by the GPA, no top-down directives can help solve our problems. Only through engaging with all stakeholders, by taking advice, learning about the issues and understanding the complexities of the challenges we face can we hope to formulate policies that will truly address our economic woes.
In this we have already made a positive start. The open use of multiple currencies has removed a major distortion from our economy and allowed the market to dictate a more realistic price for goods and services.
In addition, the achievement by the Ministry of Finance to pay a first round of allowances to the civil service has eased the harsh conditions under which these vital employees were living and simultaneously provided a much need stimulus to our economy.
Mr. Speaker Sir, a government that cares about business has no business being in business. Rather, its role is to ensure that an enabling environment exists, albeit regulated, that allows the market to dictate prices for all goods and services without underplaying the developmental role of the state.
In turn, business must acknowledge its own responsibilities to pay taxes, provide acceptable employment conditions and to invest in the growth of our nation.
For our nation to grow, we must ensure that we utilise its natural resources as sustainably and productively as possible.
Today, our mines are operating at a fraction of their potential, employing a fraction of the workforce they should and producing a fraction of the revenue they could. During the life of this parliament, we will put in place firm policy directions to revitalise our mining sector so that it can contribute to our economic growth and social recovery.
Mr. Speaker Sir, in the life of this parliament we can make a significant, positive impact on people’s lives if we stay true to the principles to which we have committed ourselves because our people are hard working and educated and our country is well endowed with minerals and fertile soils.
However, the economy of Zimbabwe cannot grow and flourish if we are unable to provide basic services to our citizens. A productive nation is a healthy nation and this government will, as a priority, ensure that our health system receives the resources it needs in order to provide the level of preventative and curative care that all Zimbabweans deserve.
I fear that all of us here today, have lost friends and relatives needlessly due to the appalling standards to which our health system has been allowed to decline. I was shocked by my visit to Harare Central Hospital last week and the conditions that prevail there and throughout the country.
I was embarrassed by the fact that as a nation we could let such institutions decline while spending large amounts of money on non-productive incentives for less valuable sectors of the economy. At the same time, I was enormously proud of the spirit, resilience and dedication of the health staff that have struggled to provide the best care possible despite the absence of equipment, medicines, even light bulbs and functioning ablutions.
Our children have been similarly neglected in that we have scared away our teachers through persecution and wages that fell far below the poverty datum line, while simultaneously neglecting to maintain our educational facilities, provide text books or even mark the exams of those children still able to go to school.
Education is a priority of this government and I commend the work already undertaken by the relevant ministries in these sectors to get an understanding of what is required and set about finding resources and implementing policies that are both practical and viable.
Indeed, like our economic recovery programmes, we cannot hope to restore basic services without working hand in hand with consumer groups, resident’s associations and civil society as a whole. Forming strong partnerships with these key stakeholders is essential if we are to rebuild our nation through the development of sustainable policies for implementation.
I also welcome the moves by those ministries involved in overseeing the operations of our utility companies to rationalise pricing structures and implement a short-term moratorium on disconnections to protect the consumer while realistic pricing structures, in line with regional norms, are established and implemented.
I believe that Zimbabweans will accept these new rates if they are accompanied by an improvement in the quality and reliability of the services for which they pay. This government will strive to find a balance between affordability and viability.
Mr. Speaker Sir, in the same way that this government intends to restore basic services, so we shall restore our country’s ability to meet our basic food requirements. Like the mining sector, our agriculture sector has been the victim of negative policy interventions and distortion.
In addition, the collapse of our agricultural production is clear evidence of what can happen to a vital sector of our economy when the rule of law is substituted for the rule of lawlessness.
A viable land acquisition and distribution process is essential to redress the racist land ownership patterns established during the colonial era.
As flawed as the recent process of land redistribution has been, this government does not intend to reverse it, but rather to institute measures that will once again see our agricultural sector becoming the jewel of Southern Africa. To achieve this we need to address the issue of land utilisation above all else.
We must halt the wanton disruptions of productive farming activities that are continuing as I speak. Already our food production for the coming season is going to be less than that of last year’s abysmal season.
Those that believe that they can move onto a viable farm and steal the crops that are about to be harvested are wrong. In our culture, as in our law, you cannot reap what you have not sown. In addition, those that are undertaking these activities are threatening seasonal crop production to the value of over US$150 million - money that our economy desperately needs.
In the GPA we have committed ourselves and our parties to recognising that all land is used productively in the interests of all the people of Zimbabwe. A farm is a business that should provide food for our nation, revenue to our economy and employment for our people.
In line with this, your new Government has committed to, amongst other things:
This process will go a long way to healing our agricultural sector which in turn will be restored to its vital role in the economy and future of our great nation.
However, we cannot hope to progress without looking at healing our nation as whole.
For too long, Zimbabwe has been infected by the diseases of mindless political violence, intolerance and persecution. Millions of Zimbabweans in every community have been affected, which is a fact that is once again recognised and addressed by the GPA.
We all have a role to play in healing our nation. However, we cannot hope to undertake such a vital task if we do not first acknowledge the causes and impacts of this disease in an open, honest and transparent manner.
National healing is not an event, it is a process that must be supported by all Zimbabweans and every community represented in our nation. The treatment that has been prescribed by the GPA rests on the foundations of equality, regional growth and development and an environment of tolerance and respect among Zimbabweans such that all citizens are treated with dignity and decency irrespective of age, gender, race, ethnicity, place of origin or political affiliation.
Due to the importance of this process and to ensure that it is encouraged and supported, the three main political parties in Zimbabwe have each appointed a Minister of State whose sole responsibility is to oversee the mechanisms and procedures through which we can begin to heal our ravaged nation.
This process is not about retribution, instead it is about regeneration, restoration and rehabilitation and it must have both the grassroots and leadership buy-in and support.
Only through beginning the process of healing our nation can we move towards regaining our rightful place in the family of nations.
While in recent years, it is a fact that the relationship between Zimbabwe and the international donor community has deteriorated, it must also be recognised that this community has not abandoned the population of Zimbabwe, remaining significantly involved in responding to the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
We also have to recognise that Trade relations, particularly with the EU have not been the subject of any restriction. We have signed an interim Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU at the end of 2007, and we are party to the ongoing negotiations leading towards a full Trade Agreement.
What we need is to fully re-establish relationships with the international donor community, which will be respectful of our sovereignty, not a relationship essentially based on humanitarian assistance.
We are grateful for the support that this new government has received already from the international community but we recognize that the onus is upon us, as citizens of this nation, to lay the foundation for greater international support, cooperation and integration.
By working together to promote freedoms at home and ensuring that we abide by the international treaties and conventions that we have ratified as a country, this would lead to our acceptance by the international community as a country and as individuals in the family of nations.
I therefore urge the international community to recognize our efforts, and to note the progress that we make in this regard, and to match our progress by moving towards the removal of restrictive measures.
Mr. Speaker Sir, addressing the humanitarian crisis remains a focus of this government. I am pleased to announce that I have appointed Deputy Prime Minister Khupe as the Humanitarian Coordinator in the Prime Minister’s office.
She will liaise with all stake holders in order to compliment the ongoing coordination efforts and ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness of our humanitarian response.
Mr. Speaker Sir, we have much work to do but I know that we are up to the challenge of honouring the letter and spirit of the GPA and ensuring that we as individuals and as a Government abide by the rule of law and the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
In this we also have a duty to ensure that all State institutions discharge their duties impartially, that laws and regulations governing state organs and institutions are strictly adhered to and those violating them be penalised without fear or favour and that recruitment policies and practices be conducted in a manner that ensures that no political or other form of favouritism is practised.
In this, and in ensuring that all persons are adequately protected within the laws of the country, we have an opportunity to implement Security Reform Legislation to enshrine our police as protectors of the rights of the people and our armed forces as the protectors of our nation.
The first step of this process has already been taken with the passing of the National Security Council Bill which is now law.
Mr. Speaker Sir, we also have an opportunity to distinguish ourselves as leaders, not just through the policies we develop and legislation we pass, but also through the ways in which we conduct ourselves as the elected representatives of the people.
As a start, I request Mr. Speaker Sir, that you ensure that the mechanism for the declaration of assets by Honourable Members is enforced.
Going forward, we need to buttress this by additional measures at executive level to strengthen the fight against corruption through increased accountability and transparency by all members of our Government.
In addition to requiring Members to declare their income, liabilities and assets and it would serve as a valuable framework to guide us in the execution of our duties.
Mr. Speaker Sir, our new government will be open and transparent.
We must ensure that there is clear distinction between the role of the various political parties and the role of the government. Similarly, we must acknowledge and enforce the defined separation of powers between this Parliament and the Executive.
Mr. Speaker Sir, our government cannot fulfil its mandate without respect and a spirit of cooperation between Ministers and Parliament, both of which must work together to ensure the needs of the people are addressed.
Therefore I urge all Ministers, in the spirit of openness and transparency, to actively participate in Parliamentary Question Time and to work with the Parliamentary Portfolio Committees once they have been constituted.
Also, in this spirit of openness, today we are launching the Prime Minister’s website that will not only serve to keep the people informed about the activities of our government, but will also provide an interactive forum for the people to participate and contribute to the affairs of government. The address of this website is www.zimbabweprimeminister.org.
Mr. Speaker Sir, we must now work together to formulate our legislative agenda. Those ministries which govern legislation that may be affected by the GPA and Constitutional Amendment No. 19 should work on reviewing these laws for presentation to cabinet.
The first step in this process will be the ministerial retreat to be held next week where such reviews can be discussed in a spirit of cooperation and inclusiveness.
Mr. Speaker Sir, our nation and our peoples have paid the price for the political differences that have divided us for too long. Now that we have formed this Transitional Inclusive Government, we all have the opportunity to put the needs of the people above our own, to put the development of our nation above party differences and to look the future rather than live in the past.
Mr. Speaker Sir, Honourable Members, together we can work for the betterment of Zimbabwe, the growth of our nation and the honour of our people.
God Bless our beloved Zimbabwe and its people. God bless Africa.
I thank you.
1 comment:
After reading this speech I think God is answering my prayers. Amen Thank you Lord for hearing the suffering of all Zimbabweans who cry to you
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